fetch_array($result); //get attactment $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM `attachment` WHERE `table_name` = 'product' AND `table_id` = '".$row['id']."' AND `col_name`='attachment' order by sorting ASC, attachment_id ASC"; $result2 = mysql_query($sql2); $count2 = mysql_num_rows($result2); $while_count = 0; $attactment_list = ''; if($count2 > 0){ while($row2 = $db->fetch_array($result2)){ $attactment_list.='
'; if($_SESSION['vbond_member_id'] != ''){ $attactment_list.= ''.$row2['real_name'].''; }else{ $attactment_list.= ''.$row2['real_name'].''; } $attactment_list.='
'; $while_count++; if($while_count == 3){ $attactment_list .='
'; $while_count = 0; } } } //prev product if (($p-2) >= 0) { $sql_start_pos = ($p-2) * $sys_perpage; $prev_sql = "SELECT `id`, `category_id` FROM `product` WHERE `display` = '1'"; if ($cid != "") { $prev_sql .= " AND `category_id` = '".escapeit($cid)."'"; } $prev_sql .= " order by `sorting`"; $sql_limit = " LIMIT ".$sql_start_pos.", ".$sys_perpage; $prev_row = $db->getrow($prev_sql.$sql_limit); if ($prev_row["id"] != "") { $prev_product = 'Previous'; } } //next product if ($p > 0) { $sql_start_pos = $p * $sys_perpage; $next_sql = "SELECT `id`, `category_id` FROM `product` WHERE `display` = '1'"; if ($cid != "") { $next_sql .= " AND `category_id` = '".escapeit($cid)."'"; } $next_sql .= " order by `sorting`"; $sql_limit = " LIMIT ".$sql_start_pos.", ".$sys_perpage; $next_row = $db->getrow($next_sql.$sql_limit); if ($next_row["id"] != "") { $next_product = 'Next'; } } ?> Vbond found =".$foundpos; $tmppage = "".substr($myBasePath, $foundpos+1); $tmppage=str_replace('.php','',$tmppage); //echo "
found =".$tmppage; if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']!=""){ // $tmppage.="?".$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; } $bannertype=$tmppage; ?>
fetch_array($category_result)){ $temp_str = preg_replace('#\n#','
',$category_row['e_content']); $content_array = explode('
',$temp_str); $category_list .= '
'; foreach($content_array as $key => $value){ $category_list .= '
'; } $category_list .='
'; /*$category_list .= '
'; */ } ?>
Product Name:

Description :
Technical Data :